secondary schools in Sutton

Secondary Schools in Sutton. Find here All Secondary Schools in Sutton

Carshalton Boys Sports College

Carshalton High School for Girls

Cheam High School

Glenthorne High School

Greenshaw High School

Nonsuch High School for Girls

Overton Grange School

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Stanley Park High

Sutton Grammar School

The John Fisher School

Wallington County Grammar School for Boys

Wallington County Grammer School for Girls

Wilson’s School


Parents and carers can arrange visits to schools. Please visit school websites for details.

Latest date that an application that is late for good reason can be accepted. Reasons and evidence must be presented with the application before this date.

Latest date by which Community School appeal forms can be received to guarantee a Summer Term hearing.

Admissions appeals. Parents who are not offered a school place for their child at a school they prefer, have the right,

o appeal against this decision to an independent body called an Appeal Panel.

Community Schools

Admission Appeals for Community schools are dealt with by the Local Authority.

To make an appeal for a Community school you must request an appeal form in writing from:

The Appeals Officer
Children, Young People and Learning Directorate
Civic Offices
St Nicholas Way
Surrey  SM1 1EA
E mail
School Admissions Team

Timetable for Appeals


National offer day


Students transferring to Sutton secondary schools spend a day at their new school – check with individual schools for details.

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