Nursery & Special Schools in Westminster

Nursery & Special Schools in Westminster

Below is a list of the 4 schools that match your search criteria and offer Nursery Schools in the borough. Please click on the school name for more information

Children of nursery age can also attend a nursery class in one of the 28 primary schools that offer this facility in Westminster borough .

Nursery Schools in Westminster

School name Funding type
Dorothy Gardner Centre LA Nursery
Mary Paterson Nursery School LA Nursery
Portman Early Childhood Centre LA Nursery
Tachbrook Nursery School LA Nursery

Special Schools in Westminster

Below is a list of the 3 schools that match your search criteria. Please click on the school name for more information.

School name Funding type
College Park School Community Special School
Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School Community Special School
Westminster Hospital And Home Education Service None

Special schools do not take in children under five.

For a copy of Westminster’s list of schools, please contact:

Children’s Services Department

Administrative Division

Westminster City Hall, 13th floor

London SW1E 6QP

Telephone: 020 7641 6000

Fax: 020 7641 3404

E-mail: Westminster Children’s Services Departmen
The benefits of applying online. its quick and easy to do. l The opportunity to apply from any location with internet access 24 hours a day, seven days a week up until the closing date, Friday 15 January 2016.
You can log back on to change or delete preferences up until 11.59pm on the closing date. You can register your mobile phone number to receive reminder alerts.
You are able to attach additional documents. You will automatically receive a confirmation email with a reference number once you submit your application. During the evening of Monday 18 April 2016, you will be sent an email with the outcome of your application. Paper applicants
will not know their result until they receive their letter on 19 April 2016. Once you have received this email, you can log onto the Pan-London eAdmissions website and accept or decline your offer.
If you would prefer to complete a paper application form, please contact the Admissions Team. All applicants – including those who applied online – will receive a letter in the post with the outcome of their application on 19 April 2016.