Hitler’s domestic policies between 1933 and 1939
The German people had suffered badly during both the First World War and the Depression and a large part of Hitler’s appeal was to make Germany’s economy powerful and self-sufficient, a term known as autarky and enforce tariffs on imports.
When the Nazis came to power unemployment in Germany was close to 30%. The Nazi government started to continue the economic policies introduced by the government of Weimar Republic in 1932 in order to combat the effects of the Depression. Hitler appointed Hjalmar Schacht, as President of the Reichsbank in 1933 and Minister of Economics in 1934.
The policies the Nazis inherited included a large Public works programs such as the construction of the Autobahn network in order to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment. These were programs planned to be implemented by the Weimar Republic but the Nazis appropriated as their own after seizing power.
In the 1930s, when the Nazis seized power in Germany anyone who dared to speak out against Hitler and his policies was subjected to intimidation, incarceration, and, in some cases, execution. As a result, Hitler faced almost no resistance.
All political parties were outlawed in July 1933. The Nazi Party was the only one allowed to exist, effectively turning Germany into a one-party state and destroying democracy. As a result, in 1933, when a new Reichstag election was held, the Nazis received 92 percent of the vote.
As for women, Hitler believed women’s lives should revolve around the three ‘Ks’: Kinder, Küche, Kirche (Children, Kitchen, and Church). He expected them to stay at home, look after the family and produce children in order to secure the future of the Aryan race.
The Nazis believed the Germans were the Aryans “Master Race” and categorized other races as sub-human. The gypsies and Jews were regarded as such. The Nazis regarded that all other groups were inferior to the Aryans and they were a threat to the purity of the “Master Race”. So the Nazis sought to eliminate the Jews, Gypsies and physically disabled Germans.
Young people were very important to the Nazis. Boys and girls were encouraged to join the Hitler Youth, the Nazis’ youth organization from the age of 10. The Nazis set out to influencing the beliefs of young Germans through reforming the education system. To reflect Nazi philosophy and goals, they modified the core curriculum to emphasize athletics, history, and racial science as the most important subjects.
In addition, the Nazis introduced new textbooks which were often racist, and promoted ideas such the need for Lebensraum. Young people were indoctrinated in the political and racial ideas of Nazism in schools. The aim was to brainwash children into embracing Nazi ideas without question.
Great emphasis was placed on who the teachers were. Jewish teachers and teachers with unfavorable political views were fired under the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service Act of April 7, 1933.