PolyClinique El-Rapha Dr. Marcelle NDJOMO Email: marcelle_poundji@yahoo.fr Tel.: +241 20-01-03 or 07-98-66-60 Mobile: +241 (0)7-29-10-36 Cabinet Medico-Chirurgical Bilie Tel.: +241 55-19-11/ Fax: 55-28-82 Cell: +241 (0)7-52-88-13 Email:
Princess Margaret Hospital Shirley Street P.O. Box N-3730 Nassau Bahamas Main Telephone: (242) 322-2861 Fax: (242) 356-9469 Corporate Office Telephone: (242) 322-2861 Email Contact: pmhcommunications@pmh.phabahamas.org • specialisa
CEDIMAT Address: Plaza de la Salud, calle Pepillo Salcedo esq. Arturo Logroño, Ens. La Fe, Santo Domingo Telephone: 809 565 9989 Email: info@cedimat.net Website WWW.CEDIMAT.COM • specialisations are in all areas of medical Sciences CEC
Polyclinique Internationale Sainte-Anne Marie Avenue Joseph Blohorn, Abidjan Cocody 01 BP 1463 Abidjan 01 Tel: (+225) 22 48 31 31 Fax: +(225) 22 48 31 32 info@pisam.ci - dsp@pisam.ci - medecindesurgences@pisam.ci - www.pisam.ci • speci
Riyadh Care Hospital Address: P.O Box 42142 Riyadh 11541, Tel: +966 11 4933000 Fax: + 966 11 4932582 Email: Info@care.med.sa www.care.med.sa Bugshan Hospital Address: Price mohd Bin Abdulaziz sreet (Tahlih Before) in cross with Madinah roa
ASIRI SURGICAL HOSPITAL 21 Kirimandala Mawatha Colombo 5 Tel: +94 11 4524400 Fax: +94 11 4527311 Email: info@asiri.lk Web: www.asirihospitals.com • they are affiliated to the Regulatory Council of the Ministry of Health CENTRA
Benadir Hospital Address:Jidka Afgooye Mogadishu,Somalia Tel: +252 61 803 5555 (Director) Tel: +252 61 225 3333 (Manager) Tel: +252 61 529 0118 (Head of Pediatrics) Website: www.benadirhospital.com Medina Hospital Address:Dagmada Wada
A LEOMINSTER haulage boss has been disqualified from the industry for 18 months after he admitted instructing his grandson to drive vehicles knowing that he hadn’t taken enough rest. - Hereford Times | News
King Faisal Hospital P.O BOX 2534, Kigali, Rwanda Telephone: (+250) 252 588888 or (+250) 788309002 or (+250) 783825851 Email: info@kfh.rw Website: www.kfh.rw Clinic at the Belgian Embassy Telephone: (+250) 0252 575 551, ext. 223 or (+2
Lusaka Chiropractic & Wellness 12 Chaholi Road, off Addis Ababa, Rhodes Park. Tel (Clinic) +260 974 142612 or +260 967788156, Dr Piers Reeve-Tucker +260 979 069674 Email zamchiro@gmail.com Website www.lusakachiropractic.com • specialisati
Doctor Carlos Leon 6ª. Avenida 4-61, Zona 10 Guatemala City Telephone: (502) 2381 7300, 2362 6803 / 2362-6801 Email: myrnaroldan@hotmail.com www.Facebook.com/centro.oftalmologicoleon • specialisations are in ophthalmology Doctor Carlos
Hospital Centro de Emergencias Col. Médica diag Dr. Luis Edmundo Vasquez No. 250 El Salvador, San Salvador, San Salvador Tel. (503) 2530-3333 Fax. (503) 2530-3308 hcdemergencias@yahoo.com • specialisations are in General Practitioners
Fraudsters who stole from hospitals and cheated the taxpayer out of hundreds of thousands of pounds were sentenced today. - Your Local Guardian | News
Prospekt Medical Dushanbe 34, Foteh Niyozi Street, Dushanbe, Tajikistan; Email: reception.prospekt@tajnet.tj, Website: www.prospektclinic.tj Tel: (+992 37) 2243092 Mob: (+992 93) 5709904 Specialists in General Practices Emergency Contac
Dr H. Bahsoun Clinique Casahous Tel: 33 821 36 14/ 77 573 01 07 Email hbahsoun@arc.sn specialisations are in Gastroenterologist- Internal Medicine Dr Robert Rahmi 123 Rue Joseph Gomis Tel: 33 821 04 09 GP with specialisationin Tr