Blue Dot Assistance Gedung Total , Jalan Letjend S. Parman, Kavling 106 A, Jakarta Barat 11440 Phone: (021) 5696 1177 for emergency (24/7) E-mail : ï‚· they have English speaking staff Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo (Cipto
Andrews Memorial Hospital Address: 27 Hope Road, Kingston 10; Telephone: 1876 926 7401-3/ 1876 618 1810; Email: ï‚· they have have English speaking staff Annotto Bay Hospital Address: Annotto Bay, St Mary; Telephone: 1876 99
ALMATY CITY CENTRAL HOSPITAL Zhandosova Street 6, corner of Manas Street Tel: +7 (727) 274716/2746651/2748068 AlMATY CITY HOSPITAL (number 1) KALKAMAN- 2 microdistrict, 2/1 Tel: +7 (727) 2708734/2708733/2708735/2709056/
AGA Khan University Hospitals 3rd Parklands Avenue
PO Box 30270-00100
Nairobi, Kenya​
Web: Avenue Hospital First Parklands Avenue PO Box 45280 00100, Nairobi Tel: 0732
Adan Hospital Block 5, Hadiya, Tel: 965 2394 0600 Fax: 965 3 967840 Email: ï‚· they have some English speaking staff Al Seef Hospital Block 3 Salmiya on the corner of Amor Bin Al-Aas Street and Al-Belajat Street, e
Bishkek City Trauma Unit Address: 41 Manas (intersection Toktogul/Manas), Bishkek Tel: +996312216875 Reception: +996 312217117 Health Centre of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. Address: 110 Kievskaya (corner Logvinenko), Bishkek Headâ
Aspen Medical Liberia Corner of 16th St and Russell Avenue, Sinkor, Monrovia Telephone: + 231 (0) 770 029 511 Website: Chariff Pharmacy Randall Street, Monrovia Telephone: + 231 (0) 886 651 999 Dr Hassan Ezzedine
American Medical Clinic Moika 78, St Petersburg 190000 +7 812 740 2090 +7 812 336 0003 (24-hour emergency number) e-mail: • specialisations are in all areas EuroMed Clinic Suvorovsky Pr. 60, St Petersburg,
Atlantic Medical Centre 8A Maroko Close, Now Bose Enemoh, Off Queen Drive, Ikoyi. Tel: +234 1 7753838 Mob: +234 8034002400 E-mail: Contact: Dr. Harake ï‚· specialisations are in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ultrasonography, Inf
Botkin Hospital 5, 2-oy Botkinsky Proyezd, +7 495 945 0045, +7 495 945 0033, • specialisations are in all areas European Medical Centre (EMC) 5, Spiridonievsky Per., bld.1, +7 (495) 933 6655, http://ww
Doctor Plus Sheynkmana Street 90 Ekaterinburg 620014 Tel: +7 343 216 0606 Fax: +7 343 216 0606 Web: E-mail: • specialisations are in diagnostics, out-patient and in-patient medical services, chil
Bukhara branch of Republican Science Centre of Emergency Medical Service 159 Nakshbandi Bahouddin Street, Bukhara, Bukhara region, Uzbekistan Tel: (+99866) 2251026, 2252020 Fax: (+99866) 2252020 • specialisations are in all areas Clinic o
Ambulance Services Government Ambulance Service Telephone: 03 Central Hospital (Turkish) Turkmenbashy Shayoly/Yunus Emre Str., No. 1 Ashgabat Telephone: +99312 450303 Fax: +99312 450331 • specialisations are in general practice (CT/US/X
HOSPITAL LUSIADAS – ALBUFEIRA Largo da Correeira Montechoro 8200-112 Albufeira Tel: 800 201 000 (free phone) HOSPITAL PARTICULAR DO ALGARVE - ALVOR (Private Hosptial - 24 Hrs) Estrada de Alvor 8500-322 Alvor HOSPITAL PARTICULAR DO A
In an emergency call 112. In all other cases visit or call 1177 (where you can get the phone number to your nearest medical facility) Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset Tel: +46 (0)31-342 1000 Helsingborgs