William Slayman-Broom, 14, started writing his novel the Voyage of the White Raven when he was 13, and has now had copies printed.
Telling the tale of ship captain Septimus Cefnfor, the novel follows his journey to find the lost city of Nautalous, and William has already planned sequels.
Drawing on his love of fantasy books and television shows, William said he had “taken some aspects of lots of different things” to create the novel.
First editions of the book will be for sale at the Dilwyn Village Market on December 7 at a special price of £6, with £1 of this going to William’s school, Earl Mortimer College.
William said: “This is my first novel but there will be more. I hope to become a famous author one day. So anyone who buys a copy had better look after it, as who knows where it might lead.”