Herefordshire Council is about to embark on its fourth attempt to outsource roads and public services, (How will council get out of chasm of difficulties? December 19 ).
All the others have ended badly, but Councillor Bramer, who is in charge of the process, has said: “These contracts are vital to the county and I have no doubt we will find the right supplier in the time we have given ourselves.”
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Um. It has never been properly explained how contracting with a hard-nosed organisation whose principal aim is to make a profit will create any benefit to Herefordshire taxpayers when things could be run with greater control in-house.
It has not worked well elsewhere. Privatised water companies and their shareholders are playing us for fools, the railways are a national scandal and the NHS, beloved by everyone but Reform UK, is sliding inexorably towards an American-style insurance model.
One does not have to be Nostradamus to see how this is going to end.