Ahead of the General Election on Thursday, July 4, Grenfell campaigners staged a protest intended to bring attention to broken promises on housing policy and building safety,
The 72 signs represent the 72 people who were killed in the Grenfell Tower fire on June 14, 2017.
The signs, edited to feature a politician clutching a briefcase and the words “Caution, Slippery Politicians”, were set up along Lancaster Road, with Grenfell Tower looming in the background.
Justice4Grenfell set up the the signs to remind voters to scrutinise politicians’ promises, especially on housing safety and the rights of renters and leaseholders.
They urge voter to choose candidates who will serve the public interest, saying little has been done by the last government in addressing the Grenfell disaster.
The Justice4Grenfell group points out the persistent failure of state response and lack of action concerning safe housing.
The 72 signs represent the 72 people killed in the Grenfell Tower fire (Image: Jeff Moore)
More than 150,000 homes are still covered in flammable cladding, while none of the Grenfell public Inquiry’s recommendations have been “meaningfully” implemented.
There have also been no prosecutions to hold those responsible to account.
Justice4Grenfell group organiser Yvette Williams said that this last government has shown “criminal negligence” around housing safety.
She said: “Over 7 years on from the tragedy, no lessons have been learnt by any of the people or organisations that desperately needed to learn them.
“This government has shown a history of criminal negligence when it comes to housing safety.
Ms Williams added: “Let us not slip up again on hollow promises from politicians; we need real change and real commitments to stop Grenfell being another scandal about the failures of government, including its failures of accountability.”